Weight Loss and Feeling Cold

I’m on a diet, why do I feel cold?

During Weight Loss, you can experience a natural decrease in metabolism due to the reduced amount of calories you’re consuming. It’s like putting less fuel in the furnace – all those calories you used to eat were added fuel that increased body temperature! Your metabolism will increase when you’re on Metabolic Adjustment or go back to consuming more calories.

Some people experience the opposite, they feel warmer during certain times of the Lindora program because their metabolism actually increases for a period of time because of the high protein foods they’re eating and the regularity of food intake – three meals plus three snacks a day.

Another reason for feeling colder is that when you lose weight, you have less body fat, which can make you warmer. People who are overweight tend to feel the cold less than lean people.

Do hormones and blood pressure play a role?

Weight loss and dieting can cause a change in hormone levels. Because a small amount of estrogen is produced in fatty tissue, some individuals may experience hormonal changes when they lose weight. This is normal. The hormonal changes can affect your body temperature.

Also, people who have high blood pressure due to being overweight tend to feel warmer than they would with a normal blood pressure. When their blood pressure lowers as a result of their change in eating habits and weight loss they may feel colder.

What can I do?

Physical activity increases the metabolism and gets your “internal furnace” burning. You’ll probably find you’re less cold when you increase your daily physical activity level. Give it a try – it will benefit your weight and your mental well-being and your general health whether or not it makes a significant difference in your body temperature!

Your body will adapt once your weight stabilizes after achieving your goal and you’ll probably feel less cold then than you do now. You won’t have as much fat, however, so you’ll experience temperature differently than you did previously.