Will I get better ketogenic weight loss with a darker ketone strip result?

When detecting ketones while on the ketogenic diet, individuals can vary as to the degree of color they “show” on the ketone strip. Any color on the ketone strip, from pink to purple, indicates fat burning (ketosis). Some people get a darker ketone strip color and achieve the same weight loss results as someone with a lighter color.

Your “positive” color result can vary throughout the day for many reasons. Your ketone strip color can vary depending on whether you’ve just eaten a meal (it can temporarily lighten) or if you’ve just exercised (it can darken because you’ve burned more carbs and fat). Some days you may eat a few more or less carbohydrates and still stay in ketosis yet get a different degree of color. If you drink a large amount of water or other calorie-free liquids within a short time of checking your ketone strip, you may see a lighter color due to the temporary dilution of your urine.

A result of white or beige generally indicates you’re out of ketosis, however, and you’ll want to follow the Protein Day guidelines until you’re back in ketosis. (That can take several hours or up to three days.) Once you’re back in ketosis you’ll resume the Weight Loss Menu Plan.

Note: If you have lost at least 4-5 pounds (2-3 kg.) in the first week of the Lindora program and are consistently losing at least 2-3 pounds (1-1.5 kg.) a week thereafter, combined with the other “symptoms” of ketosis such as decreased hunger, improved mood and energy, then you may be in ketosis and it’s not showing on your ketone stick, for a variety of possible reasons.